Truehost Dedicated DB Hosting Scales Research Firm's Data Platform

Truehost Dedicated DB Hosting Scales Research Firm’s Data Platform

A research company using Truehost’s shared database hosting faced challenges as their data needs grew. By migrating to Truehost’s dedicated database platform with expert guidance, they seamlessly scaled to support expansive data requirements.

The Challenge: Outgrowing Shared Database Hosting

The research firm relied on Truehost’s shared database hosting to operate their online data platform. But their data needs were outpacing the capabilities of the shared environment.

  • Data volumes exceeding shared hosting thresholds
  • Platform performance declining under growing load
  • Risk of data loss with inadequate resources
  • Needed to scale database hosting seamlessly

Without a more robust database hosting solution, the company would face platform outages, data losses, and other issues.

The Solution: Dedicated DB Hosting and Guidance

To scale their database hosting, the company worked with Truehost to migrate to a dedicated database platform including:

  • Custom-sized database servers – Tailored to current and future data loads
  • Reliable uptime – Dedicated resources prevent shared overloads
  • Data security – Backups and redundancy for data protection
  • Technical guidance – Experts assist transition and optimization

The right-sized dedicated environment ensured sufficient performance and capacity.

Uptime protections maintained data integrity through periods of peak usage.

Data backup and redundancy prevented loss while scaling.

The Results: Seamless Growth of Data Platform

The migration to Truehost’s dedicated database hosting enabled continuous expansion of the research data platform:

  • Scaled seamlessly – Moved massive data volumes without disruption
  • Maintained uptime – Consistent performance despite growth
  • Enabled innovation – Ongoing access to optimized data environment
  • Trustworthy partner – Truehost expertise facilitated transition

“This was a fulfillment of no data loss promise, because transition to the new platform was seamless.”

With Truehost, the firm gained a database hosting platform and trusted guidance to unlock new levels of innovation through seamless data growth.

For research companies, flexible database hosting is crucial. Truehost provided the ideal solution to scale data infrastructure as this firm’s needs exploded.

Learn more.

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